Four Reasons We Love Adult Cello Students

Occasionally we hear from adult cello students who felt discouraged by a teacher. They felt like the teacher didn’t value their efforts and time or didn’t even see the point in learning the cello as an adult in the first place.  While we think (and hope) this is a rare occurrence, here are 4 reasons why we personally love teaching adults.

  1. They really want to be there. Mom is not forcing them to take lessons.  Although they experience flagging devotion every now and then just like everybody else, there are no outside influences pushing them into it; they truly want to learn out of a sincere desire to play the instrument.
  2. We can get into the nuts and bolts of technique. Adult students require and usually want a broader understanding of technique, and it’s always fun to talk technique!
  3. We grow as teachers. There are all sorts of questions and issues raised by adult students that are different than what a younger student faces. It pushes us as teachers to approach and explain an idea in a new way.
  4. They’re inspirational! Probably the most significant reason on this list. It’s admirable when an adult chooses to take up a new hobby, especially one as involved as the cello.  It’s a commitment of time and patience, and in daily lives filled with work, caring for family, volunteering, friends, and a million other things, that’s a big step by itself.

Are you an adult interested in beginning the cello or picking it back up after a long absence? Go for it! And make sure you check out Why You Need a Teacher and How to Find A Teacher to help you get started.