Korg Cello Tuner Review

When you first learn to tune your cello, you’ll most likely use a tuner. As you become more advanced, you’ll learn to tune by ear, but even still, a tuner is a helpful tool to have. You can easily go the app route, but if you’re interested in a dedicated tuner, keep reading.

One quick note before we jump in: for our money, we prefer tuner/metronome combos. You only have one machine to carry instead of two plus it’s more cost effective. However, if you really want just a tuner for whatever reason (maybe you already have an awesome metronome but no tuner, or you really dislike combination machines for some odd reason), consider the one below.

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Korg CA-40 Chromatic Tuner – Korg is a trustworthy brand that’s been around a long time. They make many tuners and metronomes as well as a whole bunch of other electronic-related music gear. This tuner has an easy-to-read screen that clearly tells you the letter name of the note you’re playing and the needle to show you if it’s correct, sharp, or flat. There’s also a red and green light to make it even easier to read. The Korg tuner uses a microphone so you just set it on the stand in front of you (or may need to hold it right in front of the string) to get a reading. You’ll notice we’re not recommending a really expensive, fancy tuner here.  Especially if you are interested in just a tuner, we don’t think you need the extra bells and whistles. The Korg is a basic tuner that gets the job done. Click Here for Pricing and More Information.